“Instead of fixating on the existence of a divide, it would be far better to focus our attention on the ‘global digital opportunity’, because that is what really confronts us today – an unprecedented opportunity to move swiftly up the path towards global digital development.”
The digital divide debate is another important factor in the new media, one of which is hard to establish what is really is, and how to solve the problems of the divide. The basic definition of the digital divide is the difference between those who have access to digital tools, such as the internet and those who don’t.
Not knowing much about the digital divide, and the solutions people have tried to come up with, I read an article by Nick Couldry. This gave me much more knowledge on the divide; and I was able to then think about situations I have encountered concerning the digital divide.
I realised there are two different types of divide; the global divide and the social divide. Global refers to how many people in the area have access to phone lines, modems etc and the total amount of internet users, whereas the social divide is how people differ in the way use and access the internet.
The social divide, I feel, is the most important factor of the divide. There are many different ways for why people use the internet, and this would need to be researched in depth to actually be able to say that what the difference and divide is. Mentioned in Couldry’s article, this matter is questioned. They say that there are two types of users of the internet; heavy and light. When measuring digital divide, these two weights are given the same weighting (as they have got some access to the internet). However, the two measures shouldn’t be the same, as the reasons for why they are using the internet are completely different, especially in rich and diverse nations. If they are trying to solve the problem, I think that they need to do much more research into this to try and come up with a solution.
“Recent research suggests that young people and adults live in fundamentally different media environments, using communications technologies in different ways.”
This helps support that there is a difference in how people are using digital tools and the internet in different ways. There are many reasons for this difference though I feel. I have grown up in a very technological culture, which has allowed me to adapt to new technologies much quicker and easier than my grandparents, as they did not grow up surrounded by technology. This causes them to struggle more to use the tools available, as they cannot comprehend the advance in equipment. Couldry’s article mentions that a gap could be due to the lack of support for technical difficulties with a computer or software, which adds to my views about age being a factor.
The digital divide, especially the social divide, I think is going to remain a constant issue for new media; as there are too many reasons for why there is the difference, and it would be very hard to stop. However, the global divide could be helped by supporting less developed countries gain access to the internet or similar.
Couldry, N. (2000) ‘The Digital Divide’ in Gauntlett, D. & Horsley, R (eds) Web. Studies (second edition), London: Arnold.
Jenkins, H. (2006) Eight Traits of the New Media Landscape [WWW] Available from: http://www.henryjenkins.org/2006/11/eight_traits_of_the_new_media.html (accessed 16/10/09)
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